Sicherheit und Verträglichkeit von Ciclosporin bei der Langzeit-Therapie der rheumatoiden Arthritis

Die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Publikationen berichten über Studienergebnisse zur Langzeit-Therapie der rheumatoiden Arthritis mit Ciclosporin:

A study of the longterm efficacy and toxicity of cyclosporine A in rheumatoid arthritis.
Madhok R, Torley HI, Capell HA.
Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, University Department of Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland.
J Rheumatol. 1991 Oct;18(10):1485-9.
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The effectiveness and toxicity of cyclosporin A in rheumatoid arthritis: longitudinal analysis of a population-based registry.
Marra CA, Esdaile JM, Guh D, Fisher JH, Chalmers A, Anis AH.
Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, and Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcomes Sciences, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada.
Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Jun;45(3):240-5.
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Malignancies in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with cyclosporin A.
Arellano F, Krupp P.
Department of Clinical Research, Sandoz Pharma Ltd, Basel, Switzerland.
Br J Rheumatol. 1993 Mar;32 Suppl 1:72-5.
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No increased risk of malignancies and mortality in cyclosporin A-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
van den Borne BE, Landewe RB, Houkes I, Schild F, van der Heyden PC, Hazes JM, Vandenbroucke JP, Zwinderman AH, Goei The HS, Breedveld FC, Bernelot Moens HJ, Kluin PM, Dijkmans BA.
Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Hospital, The Netherlands.
Arthritis Rheum. 1998 Nov;41(11):1930-7.
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Cyclosporine: nephrotoxic effects and guidelines for safe use in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Cohen DJ, Appel GB.
Department of Renal Transplantation, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY 10032.
Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1992 Jun;21(6 Suppl 3):43-8
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Morphological and functional renal effects of long-term low-dose cyclosporin A treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Sund S, Forre O, Berg KJ, Kvien TK, Hovig T.
Department/Institute of Pathology, National Hospital, University of Oslo, Norway.
Clin Nephrol. 1994 Jan;41(1):33-40
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Risk factors for cyclosporine-induced nephropathy in patients with autoimmune diseases. International Kidney Biopsy Registry of Cyclosporine in Autoimmune Diseases.
Feutren G, Mihatsch MJ.
Department of Clinical Research/Immunology, Sandoz Pharma Ltd., Basel, Switzerland.
N Engl J Med. 1992 Jun 18;326(25):1654-60.
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Cyclosporin A therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: only strict application of the guidelines for safe use can prevent irreversible renal function loss.
van den Borne BE, Landewe RB, Goei The HS, Breedveld FC, Dijkmans BA.
Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 1999 Mar;38(3):254-9.
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